Monikas Nature and Wildlife Journal

Hi, my names is Monika 😊. I live in South Tyrol – a beautiful place in the heart of the Italian Alps. I try to spend as much time as possible outside and while doing so, I take pictures. On this website, you can find a lot of photos from animals of the Alps alongside with some information about the area, local customs and – of course- wildlife knowledge.
As I love to travel and explore new countries too, you will find animals from other places on this amazing planet too.
Why I started to take pictures of wildlife can you read here

Follow my journey back to nature

Nature and Wildlife Stories

There are many great places on this planet where we can encounter wildlife. But sometimes we do not have to go far to do so.
Here is my travel journal and some recommendations for your next big wildlife adventure.

Wildlife Photos

Watching animals in the wild is one of the best experiences for all nature lovers.

>> to the photos